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     As far back as I can remember, I was always a story teller. Like most kids, my imagination would fly.  I invented my own special heros and dubious characters, creating worlds and places where the Good-Guys, and the Good- Girls, battle witches, monsters and evil-doers.  Growing up, I loved telling stories to my mother and father, my friends, and my neighbors.


     As I got older, my natural creativity expanded and my talents led me to the performing arts and the theater. As an actor, I enjoy doing theater and musical performances at the National Conservatory of Dramatic Arts, the Washington Savoyards and with the Victorian Lyric Opera Company. The discipline of theater and my love of storytelling cultivated my craft for creative writing.


     When I sat down to start putting my thoughts down on writing The Enchanted Destiny Chronicles I composed a band of graphic, bigger-than-life protagonists and champions. But I also wanted to bring out the qualités spéciales de vivre in their personalities. How this mix of diverse beings are able to handle adversity amongst themselves journeying through an elaborate myriad of frightening, out-of-this-world situations and contesting adversaries along the way and surviving, well, that's what makes it interesting! It's a pretty good tale of good versus evil. And yeah, there's a lot of adventure, tragedy and mystery. 


     So read my books. The first book is The Sword of The Sands. My second book of The Enchanted Destiny Chronicles is already out in print and is entitled The Fire Eclipse. I hope you enjoy reading my books.​




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